Visiting Fellow
International Security
“As a visiting Fellow at the IPPI, I was able to gain profound insights into the current security debate in the country and closely work with some of the leading policy-makers and experts in the field.
Working both at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) and the Heinrich Böll Foundation (hbs Israel), I had the chance to engage with a variety of issues relevant to my own research.
At the INSS, I was primarily involved in a project concerned with rethinking the Israeli strategy towards the Gaza-Strip with the title: “Gaza 2020 – What Kind of Future?”; in the framework of the project I helped to organize an expert workshop with about 70 stakeholders from the EU, Quartet, UN and others. At the HBS, I helped to conceptualize and execute a new series of publications for the foundation; I wrote political analyses on developments in the country and in the region.
Lastly, I also worked on my own research about migration and human trafficking, where the program provided me with a platform to get in touch with leading experts and other relevant stakeholders in the country.”

Visiting Fellow
Environment and Sustainability
“The IPPI Fellowship has enabled me to pursue my own policy research while gaining valuable, hands-on professional experience in two very different organizations. At the Ministry of Environmental Protection I helped prepare the Israeli delegation for the UN World Ocean Conference – A perfect fit with my own policy research in the field of Ocean Governance. At the Heinrich Böll Foundation, I wrote monthly analyses about current political developments in Israel and the region, through which I not only gained an in-depth understanding of Israel’s political landscape, but also of the common challenges Israel and Germany are facing.”

Visiting Fellow
International Security
“The IPPI fellowship provided me the opportunity to pursue my own research while being integrated into the work of the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) and the Heinrich Böll Foundation (HBS). As part of the ‘Law and National Security’ team at the INSS I gained first-hand experience concerning the major security challenges that Israel faces by working on issues in the field of international humanitarian law. I was primarily responsible for a project on short-term ceasefires, which intend to enable relief action to the civilian population and to evacuate the sick and wounded. In the framework of the project, I had the chance to present my research on this topic in a meeting with the Israeli office of the International Committee of the Red Cross – the “guardian” of international humanitarian law, where I gained insights into the practical aspects of the issue. The results of my research will be published in two articles I wrote together with Pnina Baruch, Head of the Law and National Security team at the INSS.
At the HBS I wrote analyses on political developments in Israel that partly correlated with my own research subject. The fellowship proved to be incredibly stimulating both professionally and personally. I was given the opportunity to interact with and learn from researchers from Israel and around the world. The collegial atmosphere and quality of thought made my time there a joy as well as a privilege.”

Visiting Fellow
Environment and Sustainability
“During my fellowship at the IPPI, I had the privilege to gain valuable insights and work experience at the Israel Ministry of Environmental Protection (MoEP) and at the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Israel (HBS, Israel). Thanks to the cooperative and stimulating atmosphere in both organizations I could support the MoEP in setting priorities in Israel’s implementation process of the SDGs while writing policy analyzes for the HBS regarding environmental and other policy areas.
Furthermore, I pursued my own research focusing on sustainable urban transportation in Israeli and European cities, which enabled me to acquire profound knowledge about the current and future mobility systems in Israel and to get in contact with various experts of this field.
I strongly recommend the fellowship to young professionals, who aim to gain experiences in a unique political and organizational environment.”

Visiting Fellow
Digital Transformation
“During my fellowship with the IPPI, I worked with officials at the Civil Service Commission at the Prime Minister’s office in Israel helping to devise strategies to tackle the expected disruptions in human capital at the civil service sector due to technological advancements. I look forward to carrying the experience I gained working at the Prime Minister’s office in Israel to my new position at the Chancellor’s office in Berlin where I will be shaping digital transformation processes in Germany. Germany and israel have a special relationship — the fellowship greatly contributed to my understanding of our mutual interests.”

Visiting Fellow
International Security
“As a visiting fellow at the IPPI, I was given the ideal platform to follow my research interest in the world of social media, fake news, and post-truth and how it affects democratic societies. I worked very closely with researchers at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) and the Heinrich Böll Foundation where I gained valuable knowledge about Israel and Israeli society.
With researchers from INSS, I developed a dossier of European states and how they deal with the threat of foreign influence operations. As a very topical issue in Europe and the US after the US elections of 2016, all governments are addressing their own cognitive warfare capabilities. Understanding and evaluating the way different states organize themselves is essential when forming Israel’s strategy, in anticipation of the upcoming elections.
At the INSS I had the opportunity to develop my own policy paper on German cognitive strategy and how to improve it in light of recent cyber attacks.
What I enjoyed most during my time at the IPPI was the freedom to research, the intellectual exchange with other fellows, and the possibility to immerse into Israel’s academic community.”

Visiting Fellow
Environment & Sustainability
“As an IPPI fellow, I was able to expand my range of expertise while also a being fully integrated member of a unique governmental unit. At the Fuel Choices and Smart Mobility Initiative of the Prime Minister’s Office, I was tasked with conducting an ambitious research project that aimed at addressing the perceived risk of additional travel demand and congestion caused by electric vehicles while also offering valuable insights on international best practices in innovative transport taxation policy. The goal of this project was to bolster cooperation with key governmental partners in further incentivizing the use of EVs and develop more sustainable and equitable tax policy solutions with regards to road transport. The project involved direct stakeholder consultations, both locally and internationally, as well as developing quantitative forecasts.
At the Heinrich Böll Foundation, I was responsible for the elaboration of a dossier on waste management policies and initiatives in Israel through which I gained an in-depth understanding of Israel’s environmental landscape.
Overall, the IPPI fellowship enabled me to develop my knowledge in a highly stimulating environment and to learn from inspiring public servants and professionals in the fields of mobility, energy, and environmental policy.”
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