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On December 7th, 2020, IPPI organized an international experts’ workshop dedicated to the subject of Climate Legislation. Policy communities in both Israel and Germany recognize the potential of climate legislation to promote efforts to meet the goals outlined in the Paris Agreement by 2050. Germany adopted a climate law with a long-term focus in 2019, while in Israel, policymakers and civil society currently explore the potential of climate legislation as part of the national effort to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy.
Against this backdrop, the workshop brought together a range of environmental policy experts from both countries to review global trends and learn from the experience of other countries with the aim of identifying potential best practices and key lessons that can inform and support the transition to a low-carbon economy.
The event was kicked off by the Israeli Minister for Environmental Protection, Gila Gamliel, who identified the pandemic not only as a challenging time but also as an exceptional opportunity to reorganize unsustainable economic practices and embed climate targets through national long-term climate legislation. The Minister emphasized that “climate change is not only a challenge to the environment, but to all aspects of society, including our economic, health, social and national security systems”. In her opening statement, she stressed that dealing with climate change calls for long-term planning and commitments, which should be pursued in collaboration between nations as well as within the different sectors of society, i.e. government, the private sector and civil society.
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