Prof. Dr. Michael Fehling, LL.M. (Berkeley) is tenured professor at Bucerius Law School in Hamburg, where he has held the Chair of Public Law and Comparative Law since 2001. Before joining the faculty, he taught public law at the University of Freiburg. His research interests include economic regulation law and administrative law (with a focus on public services and the regulation of network-industries), environmental law, media law, academic freedom and university organisation, comparative public law (USA), and the economic analysis of administrative law. He is co-editor of a comprehensive work on economic regulation law, of a book series in Regulation Law published with Mohr Siebeck as well as of several renowned journals and other publications. He is Academic Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Energy, Climate and Sustainability (CECS). The Center supersedes the Initiative on Energy Law and Policy at Bucerius Law School, which Professor Fehling has led since its formation in 2014.

Energy transition in Germany: What role for "Green Hydrogen"?
Authors: Michael Fehling and Larissa Bahmer Introduction In the quest for ‘climate neutrality,’ hydrogen gas (H2) has become…