Head of Science Communication at Davidson Institute of Science Education
Dr. Erez S. Garty gained his undergraduate degree in life sciences from the Ben Gurion University, and both his graduate degree in biochemistry and his PhD in immunology from the Weizmann Institute of Science. Over the course of his career, he has specialized in communicating science via digital platforms and the media. In 2013, he received a Ministry of Health award for assisting outreach during the polio outbreak and contributing to the success of the vaccination operation. He became editor in-chief at the Davidson Institute of Science Education in 2014, and later founded the department for science communications, where he centered on raising science visibility in national media. Under his leadership, the Davidson Institute’s popular science website reached more than 10 million unique views a year, becoming the largest official science news outlet in Israel.
Dr. Garty has contributed to hundreds of TV and radio science items, as well as original TV productions. He has led the translation of popular science content into several languages, including English, Arabic, German and Spanish. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he has led several campaigns against fake news, especially focusing on ultra-Orthodox and Arab-language media, and has established a fact-checking Facebook group that debunks myths and misinformation. He is also a founding member of the Schwartz/Reisman Science Center and teaches gifted children science.
Digital Transformation
Discussion PaperDigital Transformation
Telling Facts From Fakes
Israeli Science Communicators Supporting a Fact-Based Public Discourse Science communication comes with its challenges, due to the fact…